The Asolo Traverse GV has been selected among the 100 Outdoor Gear by Outdoors Magic website in the Footwear category for Fall/Winter 2024-2025.
Established since 1999, Outdoors Magic is the British most famous website dedicated to outdoor enthusiasts; they propose product reviews, advices, routes guides and text outdoor gear to draft the Best of the Year Guide for each season.
The tester described the Traverse GV:
“The sole unit makes for a stiffer boot than your average backpacking boot but it still has a touch of flex at the toe and this, I found, made the Traverse GV something that I could happily walk big mileage in without my feet getting too worn out. It’s the same weight-wise: it’s heavier than your average backpacking boot, but it doesn’t feel heavy or lumbering. […] With its thick rubber rand and good craftsmanship, I’ve got confidence that the Asolo Traverse GV is a boot that will last well if maintained properly. […] A good balance of durability and weight, very grippy, lots of comfort, versatile.”
The Outdoors Magic Team found the Traverse GV a model with a sturdy feel underfoot and well-suited to light scrambling as well. They also recognized in the model a good shock absorption, an excellent grip that make it a solid performer on mud and steep gradients.
Traverse GV is a model from the Backpacking category in Asolo international collection, specifically developed for backpacking, hard trekking and multi-day hiking.
Let’s see all the technical details of Traverse GV:
The model is made with a specific last for Women and specific last for Men developed following the correct morphology and the natural flex of the foot. More, the lasting board in polypropylene and non-woven textile has been engineered to guarantee lightness, extreme flexibility and foot protection.
Traction is guaranteed by the outsole package, developed in partnership with Vibram, which presents a self-cleaning design and uses the Mont compound which guarantees the best performance, grip and durability. The microporouse midsole assures support and stability and is integrated with a Pu heel, covered by a Tpu film, that offer the best cushioning.
Best use: Backpacking, hard trekking and multi-day hiking.
UPPER: Water-resistant suede 1,6-1,8 mm and Schoeller Soft Shell
LINING: Gore Tex Performance Comfort Footwear and leather collar
SOLE: Asolo/Vibram Master + microporouse midsole and Pu heel
FIT: Man / Woman
WEIGHT: 644 (g) (1/2 pair size 8 UK)
SIZE: 7-13 UK / 4,5-8 UK
MADE: in Europe
RESOLING: The model can get resoled
SUSTAINABILITY: Contains leather from a tannery rated by the Leather Working Group (LWG)