The Asolo Traverse GV has been selected among the 100 Outdoor Gear by Outdoors Magic website in the Footwear category for Fall/Winter 2024-2025.

Established since 1999, Outdoors Magic is the British most famous website dedicated to outdoor enthusiasts; they propose product reviews, advices, routes guides and text outdoor gear to draft the Best of the Year Guide for each season. 

The tester described the Traverse GV
The sole unit makes for a stiffer boot than your average backpacking boot but it still has a touch of flex at the toe and this, I found, made the Traverse GV something that I could happily walk big mileage in without my feet getting too worn out. It’s the same weight-wise: it’s heavier than your average backpacking boot, but it doesn’t feel heavy or lumbering. […] With its thick rubber rand and good craftsmanship, I’ve got confidence that the Asolo Traverse GV is a boot that will last well if maintained properly. […]  A good balance of durability and weight, very grippy, lots of comfort, versatile.

The Outdoors Magic Team found the Traverse GV a model with a sturdy feel underfoot and well-suited to light scrambling as well. They also recognized in the model a good shock absorption, an excellent grip that make it a solid performer on mud and steep gradients.

Traverse GV is a model from the Backpacking category in Asolo international collection, specifically developed for backpacking, hard trekking and multi-day hiking.


Let’s see all the technical details of Traverse GV:

The model is made with a specific last for Women and specific last for Men developed following the correct morphology and the natural flex of the foot. More, the lasting board in polypropylene and non-woven textile has been engineered to guarantee lightness, extreme flexibility and foot protection.

Traction is guaranteed by the outsole package, developed in partnership with Vibram, which presents a self-cleaning design and uses the Mont compound which guarantees the best performance, grip and durability. The microporouse midsole assures support and stability and is integrated with a Pu heel, covered by a Tpu film, that offer the best cushioning.

Best use: Backpacking, hard trekking and multi-day hiking.

UPPER: Water-resistant suede 1,6-1,8 mm and Schoeller Soft Shell
LINING: Gore Tex Performance Comfort Footwear and leather collar
SOLE: Asolo/Vibram Master + microporouse midsole and Pu heel
FIT: Man / Woman 
WEIGHT: 644 (g) (1/2 pair size 8 UK)
SIZE: 7-13 UK / 4,5-8 UK 
MADE: in Europe
RESOLING: The model can get resoled
SUSTAINABILITY: Contains leather from a tannery rated by the Leather Working Group (LWG)

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